Sure! Our free trial lets you explore any paid plan — free for 3 days
Whether you’re new to IQ Hashtags or were on the Free Plan before November 9th, 2022, you can subscribe to the 3-day trial of any IQ Hashtags plan and avail yourself of all the features accordingly.
During the trial period, you can access the features available on the selected plan!

💡 The free trial is no commitment. You do not need to cancel the trial period before it ends. The trial will automatically expire after 3 days and will not automatically start a paid subscription in the tool.
The only exception is if you manually start a paid plan during your trial period. This can happen if you access premium features like viewing banned hashtags in posts or using the Shadowban check. Starting a paid subscription during the trial is like starting a regular (paid) subscription in the tool.
Read next: I Signed Up For A Free Trial But Was Charged. What Should I Do?
Read next: How Do I Change To A Different IQ Hashtags Plan During My 3-day Free Trial?